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Una cerimonia funeraria per un leader della casta guerriera minbari si trasforma in un incidente diplomatico in seguito al furto del corpo dell'eminente esponente minbari. Nel frattempo, Ivanova e Talia Winters si scontrano quando i poteri telepatici di una ragazza vengono alla luce.
Tempo: 06:30
Talia: You are not being reasonable. Ivanova: Fine. It's my call and I'm making it. Tempo: 06:51
Garibaldi: You know, Jeff, I can't believe you are really going to attend the ceremony. I mean this Branmer guy planned and led the attack on the Line. Sinclair: I know, he commanded one of the ships that splashed my team, but the war is over. At least that's what I keep telling myself. Tempo: 07:48
Delenn: Alyt Neroon. I welcome you on behalf of all Minbari on this station. It is an unhappy journey on which you travel. Neroon: For a warrior there is no other end to the journey. Tempo: 09:10
Sinclair: You don't like it, do you? Delenn: My preferences are not under discussion, Commander. Tempo: 12:10
Neroon: That will suffice for now. These are my requirements, commander. Sinclair: This is my station. I don't take orders here. Neroon: Impetuous. Is this how you reacted on the Line, commander? Sinclair: This isn't the Line. Neroon: No. We were in control there. Tempo: 13:31
Neroon: This was the greatest of us. Warrior, leader, the hero of the Line. He fought with honor, bravery, and with vision. Now, he belongs to the ages. Tempo: 15:46
Ivanova: There is nothing more annoying than Mr. Garibaldi when he's right. Tempo: 25:14
Franklin: Oh, by the way. Do you know what they say Narn taste like? Garibaldi: Yeah, chicken. Man, I really need a vacation. Tempo: 26:50
Alisa (a Ivanova e Talia): Stop it. Stop it, both of you. You keep arguing over what you want. You don't care about what I want. You don't even ask. Talia: All right, Alisa. What do you want? Tempo: 35:56
Sinclair (a Neroon): There is no shame in wanting to honor him, Alyt Neroon. I've fought on the Line against Branmer. I saw his valor and leadership first hand. Because his body... disappeared and I... feel some responsibility toward the Minbari people. There is no higher testimony to a warrior's courage and skill than praise from his enemy. Tempo: 36:38
Sinclair (a Neroon): We fought long enough. Maybe it's time we started talking with one another. Tempo: 36:44
Sinclair: Branmer's life was more significant than his battles. Let the warrior caste praise his courage in the war, and let the rest praise him for what he truly was: a man of peace. Neroon: You talk like a Minbari, commander. Perhaps there was some small wisdom in letting your species survive. Sinclair: We'd like to think so. Neroon: Until another day, then. Tempo: 38:12
Delenn: Alisa could become an instrument of great communication between Humans and Minbari. We suffer a lack there, as you know, commander. Sinclair: The future in exchange for the past. I think that's very workable. Tempo: 40:23
Alisa: There was one other thing. A word: "Chrysalis". I don't know what it means. Sinclair: It's a cocoon, I think. |
Ultima variazione della pagina: luned́ 26 agosto 2013, 11:22:55 | |||
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